4Waves: 40 Performances for the Hole
curated by Justin Hoover for
SOMArts Cultural Center 40th Anniversary,
September 11th, 2019, San Francisco, CA
Each performer was given 4 minutes: 1 to set up, 2 to perform and 1 to break down… or all 4 to perform….
This is part of my upcoming Völva Saga series!
“The Secret of the Universe is Inside my HOLE!
Fascists are trying to Co-opt my HOLE!
The Doctors want to Suppress? my HOLE?
And the Professor want to Get In my HOLE!
Politicians want Control of my HOLE!
And the Multi-National Corporations want to Destroy! My…..”
While I sprinkle rose essential oil and water on the audience and myself I sing:
“Beauty behind me and behind all of you
Beauty in front of me and in front of all of you
Beauty to our right and to our left
Beauty above and below us
and all around us, all around us is Beauty”
I show my ruby slippers/stilettos and say:
“I Wish… I Wish… I Wish… I Wish.. I Wish… I Wish.”